Eduardo Pereira - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

Faculty > Eduardo Pereira

Eduardo Pereira

The Human Factor in the Organisation
Senior Teaching Fellow

Eduardo Pereira is from Aveiro.

He has a degree in Management from I.S.E.G. (University of Lisbon).

He has concluded a GMP – General Management Program at AESE and he holds a PhD in Organizacional Commitment, at Adam Smith Business School, from Glasgow University.

Most of his professional experience has been IN management consulting with large organizations, from diverse industries such as automotive components, ceramic manufacturing, insurance industry, among others.

He worked mainly in the areas of operations, HR Management and Strategy.

Besides Portugal, he had experiences in Spain, Mexico and Brazil.

From 2004, he has collaborated with IESE (University of Navarra) on Research Studies, namely “MBM – Management by missions” and “MO3 – Market Orientation and Open Organizations” (involving more than 100 companies and resulting in several publications).

At AESE, he is Senior Teaching Fellow in the academic field Human Factor and Executive Coach.

He is a Non-Executive Board Member in several companies, namely in the Safety and Environmental and Prevention Services.

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