Luís Cabral - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

Faculty > Luís Cabral

Luís Cabral

Economics, Finance, Control and Accounting
Visiting Professor

He holds a doctorate from Stanford University (1989), a degree in Economics from UCP and a master’s degree in the same area from UNL.

He is professor of Economics at NYU and collaborator at AESE, having been a professor at the universities: Nova de Lisboa, London Business School, London School of Economics, Berkeley, Yale, IESE. He currently holds the Paganelli-Bull Chair in Economics at New York University.

He is a researcher at the Economic Policy Research Center (CEPR). He was President of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), a member of the Group of Economic Advisers to the President of the European Commission, and consultant to several public and private organizations.

He was a consultant to several organizations, from the New York Mets to the OECD, to Pfizer in several governments in Portugal, highlighting his work in the Airbus-Boing litigation between 2005 and 2009.

How your areas of research deal with the dynamic aspects of competition between companies.

He is the author of the book “Introduction to the Industrial Organization”, published by MIT Press, translated into 7 languages ​​and adopted by universities in low-income countries.

Personal page NYU Stern

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