Rafael Andreu - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

Faculty > Rafael Andreu

Rafael Andreu

Operations, Technology and Innovation
Visting Professor

Rafael Andreu joined IESE in 1969 and currently he is emeritus professor of Strategic Management and Information Systems. He likes to say that he embarked on an academic career because he could not make it in the world of baking and pastry making, even though he was born into a family with more than 175 years of history doing just that.

Prof. Andreu holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and PhD in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Prof. Andreu is the author or co-author of several books, chapters of books, articles in specialized journals and teaching cases. Examples in his current areas of interest are the books Líbranos Señor… [Free Us Lord…], Editorial Granica, 2005; Manifesto para un Management mejor: Una visión racionalista y humanista [Manifesto for Better Management: A Rationalist and Humanist Vision] with Josep María Rosanas, Chair of Crèdit Andorrà, 2010; Huellas: Construyendo valor desde la empresa [Footprints: Building Value From the Company], Editorial DAU, 2014; and Gestión del conocimiento y competitividad [Knowledge Management and Competitiveness], with Joan Baiget, EUNSA, 2016.

Areas of interest
* Spontaneous learning in the firm: Implications for the exercise and teaching of the Management profession
* Institutional development: Long-term competitiveness and implications for organizational design and the professional careers of managers
* The potential of new technologies for the development of competitive advantage and changes in industry structure
* Organizational learning, capacity for development and the role of IT, above and beyond knowledge management

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