Rafael de Lecea - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

Faculty > Rafael de Lecea

Rafael de Lecea

Corporate Strategy
Principle Teaching Fellow

He has a degree in Law from the University of Navarra. He studied Sociology and Political Science at the Complutense University of Madrid. He holds a Masters in Economics and Business Management (MBA) from IESE, Universidad de Navarra. He also studied Compliance at the Université de Leuven, Belgium.

He is Professor of Corporate Policy at AESE, IESE and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Navarra, at the San Telmo International Institute (Seville) and Collaborator Professor of Corporate Policy at Universidad Carlos III (Madrid)

He was a Senior Management Member of MAPRE and AXA insurance companies. He is also a consultant in Family Business, Marketing and Strategy, Customer Sales, having managed teams in European, American and Middle Eastern countries.

His international career resulted in the foundation of several companies in Portugal.

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