PDE | General Management Program - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos
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General Management Program | PDE

«In a world in constant change, it is essential that company directors make a stop, create a space that allows them to assess their leadership skills, develop their strategic thinking and increase their flexibility in decision making.

The PDE promotes this personal and professional transformation of managers, stimulating their ability to integrate the company’s strategic decisions with the business results. For 29  years, the PDE has been leveraging success stories among its participants, who testify to the Program’s contribution to their organizations.»

Miguel Guerreiro
Lisbon PDE’s Director

Adolfo González
Oporto PDE’s Director


The PDE academic program is complemented with sessions at IESE Madrid. The set of sessions at IESE, in Madrid, allows each participant to learn about different organizational cultures, new ways of doing and thinking about business and new ways of approaching problems. In addition to opening new horizons, contact with paradigmatic business contexts and conferences given by IESE professors, provide participants with a more complete macroeconomic framework.


Professional Boost

  • Develops the management skills needed to lead and implement your organization’s strategy
  • Create lasting professional relationships, gain prestige and grow professionally


  • Improve your ability to analyze and solve complex problems
  • Strengthen your leadership through rigorous self-reflection


  • Get an integrated perspective of the company, improving its effectiveness
  • Reinforce your knowledge and optimize your trading strategies, overcoming operational challenges and improving your ability to analyze and solve business problems.

Reflection on management style

  • Analyze in depth the global economic picture and study the new trends and challenges faced by companies
  • In the sessions at IESE in Madrid, discover different organizational cultures, new ways of doing and thinking about business, new ways of approaching problems and a more complete macroeconomic framework.

Applicants profile

1st line directors.


The close collaboration between AESE and the IESE Business School and the more than 20 international schools in the network is reflected in the exchange of teachers, in the development of cases and joint research programs, as well as in the scope of Executive training programs.

The PDE includes a trip to the IESE Business School in Madrid, together with the PDE Porto and PDE Lisbon participants.

Case Method

Leading is only learned … leading.

That is why learning at AESE is inspired by the Harvard Business School model. When putting applicants in the face of real business conflicts, managers are called to assume the role of decision makers in circumstances similar to their day-to-day activities in organizations. The cases are challenges that require effective responses to a rigorous analysis of limited or even insufficient information, in ambiguous or complex contexts from a political and economic point of view. Individual diagnosis and decisions are negotiated with experienced, talented and ambitious colleagues.

Currently, the Case Method stands out as a sophisticated medium, oriented to transform the potential talent of the participants into a powerful decision-making capacity. AESE remains in the leadership of teaching with the Case Method in Portugal.

The cases produced by AESE are part of the ECCH database, the most used worldwide case repository at the service of international Business Schools.

Phases of the Case Method

  • The individual case study is followed by a group discussion.
  • Learning Teams help to prepare cases in a collaborative environment, creating the opportunity to put ideas to the test.
  • The headquarters’ classrooms were specially designed with teaching in mind.

    Next editions and duration

    PDE Lisboa takes place from November 2024 til February 2025, in Lisbon, at AESE headquarters, in Lisbon. The sessions are held on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.

    PDE Porto takes place from January till July 2025. The sessions are held on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.

    The Program is compatible with professional work, requiring the weekly presence of participants in the work sessions, for two half days.

    After the completion of the PDE, participants acquire the status of AESE Alumni, which allows them to establish a network of contacts between themselves and between them and the School.

    Portuguese and Spanish.


    € 14,800 (+ VAT)
    Includes documentation, support material, catering, parking and travel to IESE Madrid.


    Osvaldo Santos

    “Participar no PDE foi uma experiência muito enriquecedora e recomendável a todos os níveis que nos marca para a vida, pois permitiu o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos e competências fundamentais ao desempenho das minhas funções e o conhecimento de pessoas com experiências muito diversas que enfrentam desafios semelhantes no seu dia-a-dia. Na vida o que nos marca são as pessoas e no PDE foi isso que aconteceu.”

    Osvaldo Santos | Millenniumbcp

    Mariana Reis

    “O PDE tem uma componente prática, acompanhado das bases teóricas. É um programa que nos traz muito conhecimento, mas eu sinto que, principalmente, nos transforma como pessoas e como profissionais. O método do caso permite-nos associar os temas em estudo e debate a casos da nossa vida passada, atual e futura o que acaba por tornar a aprendizagem mais intuitiva. Apesar da exigência da cadência semanal, o PDE torna mais fácil de realizar.”

    Mariana Reis | CCB

    Kiko Martins
    Grupo Chef Kiko

    “Montei uma empresa há cerca de 7 anos. Como sempre senti necessidade em ganhar competências em gestão, fui procurar a formação que melhor se ajustava à arte de gerir e dirigir pessoas, de pensar o negócio e de estruturar uma empresa de uma forma não só ética como também com competências, com rigor, com respeito pelas pessoas. Sinto-me, no fim do programa, bastante satisfeito e motivado para, com mais garra e vontade, pôr tudo o que aprendi em panos limpos.”

    Kiko Martins | Grupo Chef Kiko

    Marina Reis
    Sovena Oilseeds

    “Frequentar o PDE foi, sem qualquer dúvida, uma das experiências mais enriquecedoras da minha vida. A visão transversal obtida pela análises dos casos, assim como a partilha de diferentes pontos de vista entre todos os participantes serão uma mais valia que vou levar para a minha vida pessoal e profissional. Não posso ainda deixar de referir o excelente espírito de grupo que se viveu durante todo o Programa, deixando amizades para toda a vida.”

    Marina Reis | Sovena Oilseeds


    Lisboa | Lucas Costa Lima


      Tlf (+351) 217 221 530

    Porto | Carlos Fonseca


    Tlf (+351) 933 071 973


    Lisboa | Lucas Costa Lima


      Tlf (+351) 217 221 530


    Porto | Carlos Fonseca


    Tlf (+351) 933 071 973

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