Vasco Bordado - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

Faculty > Vasco Bordado

Vasco Bordado

Corporate Strategy
Principal Teaching Fellow

Vasco Bordado was born on 16 January 1943 in Horta, Faial, Azores.

He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from IST (1967) and attended the 9th PADE- Advanced Management Program of AESE.

He has held positions of General Management and Administration in several national and multinational groups such as Saint-Gobain, Secil, Ciments Français and Refrige.

He was a member of the Senior Management of Millenniumbcp, where he served as: President of Risk and Real Estate Ventures, Purchasing Director and Administrator of Médis.

At AESE, he is Professor of Business Policy and Responsible for the Executive MBA Business Area. He is a member of the Fiscal Council of AESE.

His interests include teaching, ethics and interpersonal relations.

His hobbies are reading, music and the Internet.

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