Abrunhosa Agostinho - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

Faculty > Agostinho Abrunhosa

Agostinho Abrunhosa

Operations, Technology and Innovation

He holds PhD degree from Adam Smith Business School, at Glasgow University (2022). He holds a degree in Business Management and Organization from ISEG – Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão and has developed his professional activity in Information Systems.

He completed the 3rd AESE / IESE Executive MBA in 2005. Since 2007, he has been a professor in the Operations, Technology and Innovation Area at AESE, where he has taught classes in several executive programs and in the Executive MBA.

Collaborates with AESE since 1986, in view of the various functional areas. He is currently General Secretary, Member of the Board of Directors of AESE and Executive MBA AESE’s Director.

Throughout his professional class as a consultant in several projects of implementation of information systems.

He complemented his training base in a variety of ways in Negotiation, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Project Management and Balanced Scorecard.

He is the author of several cases in the areas of operations and technology.

Programs in which he lectures
Executive MBA AESE
PADIS – Programa de Alta Direção de Instituições de Saúde
AMEG – Advanced Management in Energy
Short Programs

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