AESE insight #84 - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

AESE insight #84 > Thinking ahead

O AESE Insight pediu-me para preparar um texto com as tendências de Marketing para 2023

Ramiro Martins

Responsável Académico e Professor de Política Comercial e Marketing da AESE Business School

E com esta missão em mente, deitei a mão à tarefa, com o seguinte resultado:

Predicting marketing trends for 2023 is a challenging task, as it is difficult to anticipate how consumer behavior, technology, and societal trends will evolve in the coming years. However, there are a few trends that are likely to continue and shape marketing strategies in 2023:

  1. Personalization: Personalization has become increasingly important in marketing, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. Marketers will use data and AI to create personalized experiences for customers, including personalized emails, recommendations, and targeted ads.
  2. Interactive content: Interactive content, such as quizzes, polls, and interactive videos, has become increasingly popular in recent years. In 2023, we can expect to see more interactive content being used as a way to engage and educate customers.
  3. Video marketing: Video marketing has become a key part of many marketing strategies, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. Video allows marketers to tell a story and connect with customers on an emotional level.
  4. Social media marketing: Social media will continue to be a key channel for marketing in 2023. Marketers will need to adapt to new platforms and features, as well as continue to use social media to engage with customers and build brand awareness.
  5. Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing, where brands work with social media influencers to promote their products or services, is expected to continue to be popular in 2023. However, brands will need to be more selective in choosing influencers to work with and ensure that their content aligns with their values and brand image.
  6. Content marketing: Content marketing, where brands create and share valuable content with the goal of attracting and retaining customers, will continue to be an important part of marketing strategies in 2023. Brands will need to focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that resonates with their target audience.
  7. Customer experience: In 2023, brands will need to focus on creating a seamless and positive customer experience across all touchpoints, including online and offline channels. This includes using technology such as chatbots and AI to provide quick and efficient customer service.
  8. Omnichannel marketing: Omnichannel marketing, which involves using a range of channels to reach customers, will continue to be important in 2023. Brands will need to ensure that their marketing efforts are consistent across channels and that they are able to track and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.
  9. Data privacy: With increasing concerns about data privacy, brands will need to be more transparent about how they collect and use customer data in 2023. This may involve adopting new technologies, such as blockchain, to increase trust and build stronger relationships with customers.
  10. Sustainability: Sustainability will continue to be a key concern for consumers in 2023, and brands that prioritize sustainability in their marketing efforts will be more likely to win customer loyalty. This may involve highlighting eco-friendly practices and products, supporting charitable causes, and reducing waste and emissions.

In conclusion, marketing in 2023 will involve a combination of personalization, interactive content, video marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, customer experience, omnichannel marketing, data privacy, and sustainability. Brands that are able to effectively navigate these trends and adapt to changing consumer behaviors will be well-positioned for success in the coming years.

Agora a parte importante :
este texto foi escrito com o recurso a Inteligência Artificial disponível no site :

Limitei-me a pedir no site: “Tendências do marketing para 2023 com o limite de 500 palavras”.
Em pouco menos de um minuto recebi o texto supra, que reli e nada tenho a opor ao que a máquina escreveu.

Acredito que esta será uma das mais fortes tendências para 2023 no Marketing e na Sociedade: o uso de Inteligência Artificial no nosso quotidiano.

Quais são as principais tendências a considerar no âmbito da Direção Geral

Adrián Caldart
Presidente do Conselho Académico, Responsável Académico de Política de Empresa da AESE Business School e Professor e Diretor do Executive MBA,do IESE Business School

Quais são as principais tendências para 2023, no âmbito das Operações, tecnologia e Inovação?

Jorge Ribeirinho Machado
Professor e Responsável Académico da Área de Operações, Tecnologia e Inovação da AESE Business School

Agostinho Abrunhosa
Diretor do Executive MBA e Professor da Área de Operações, Tecnologia e Inovação da AESE Business School

Na área das Pessoas, há algumas tendências principais que podem ajudar-nos a decifrar o presente e preparar o futuro

Eduardo Pereira
Professor de Fator Humano na Organização e Responsável do Coaching da AESE Business School

Quais as principais tendências para a Área académica Economia, Finanças, Controlo e Contabilidade

Manuel Rodrigues
Lecturer Financial Management Education King’s College London e Conferencista da AESE Business School

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